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產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng):FDZ-KEXFP FDZ-YEYH風(fēng)能電纜




產(chǎn)品特點(diǎn):FDZ-KEXFP FDZ-YEYH風(fēng)能電纜除滿(mǎn)足普通電纜的性能外,還必須滿(mǎn)足彎曲半徑小、頻繁扭轉的基本要求由于風(fēng)力發(fā)電電纜多用在氣候條件較為惡劣的地區,一般多用在我國的北方地區,氣候較寒冷,且晝夜溫差較大

FDZ-KEXFP FDZ-YEYH風(fēng)能電纜的詳細資料:

FDZ-KEXFP FDZ-YEYH風(fēng)能電纜除滿(mǎn)足普通電纜的性能外,還必須滿(mǎn)足彎曲半徑小、頻繁扭轉的基本要求由于風(fēng)力發(fā)電電纜多用在氣候條件較為惡劣的地區,一般多用在我國的北方地區,氣候較寒冷,且晝夜溫差較大,因此風(fēng)力發(fā)電電纜還必須滿(mǎn)足環(huán)境溫度-45℃~+50℃,運行溫度為-40℃~+50℃的使用條件。我公司自2005年初開(kāi)始致力于風(fēng)力發(fā)電機電纜技術(shù)的研究,參照德國DIN VDE的標準,對風(fēng)力發(fā)電機電纜進(jìn)行結構優(yōu)化設計,并選用世界上優(yōu)的絕緣及護套材料,電纜的性能達到了水平。風(fēng)力發(fā)電機電纜分為動(dòng)力電纜、控制電纜電纜。
FDZ-KEXFP FDZ-YEYH風(fēng)能電纜的優(yōu)點(diǎn)如下:
FDZ-YEYH風(fēng)能電纜Special cable for wind turbine generator (wind power cable), in addition to meet the
 performance of ordinary cable, also must meet the basic requirements of small 
bending radius, frequent change, because of wind power cable is used in the climate 
conditions are harsh areas, commonly used in China's northern region, the climate 
was cold, and the larger temperature difference between day and night therefore, 
wind power cables must also meet the environmental temperature of -45 DEG C 
which, operation temperature is -40 DEG C which use conditions. I started the 
company is committed to research wind turbine special cable technology since 
the beginning of 2005, according to the German DIN VDE standard, carries on the 
structure optimization design of special cable wind generator, and the insulation and 
sheath material world optimal, cable performance has reached the international 
advanced level. The special cable for wind power generator is divided into power 
化學(xué)品具有*的耐腐蝕性。普通電纜不具有耐磨性和耐腐蝕性。FDZ-YEYH風(fēng)能電纜1, with good low temperature and wear resistance, as well as fatigue resistance, 
weather resistance, antimicrobial properties, oil, chemicals with excellent corrosion 
resistance. Ordinary cables do not wear and corrosion resistance. 2、抗扭轉性能和彎曲性能優(yōu)異:成品電纜在-40℃的低溫環(huán)境下,能經(jīng)受正、反各四轉為一次、
扭轉角度為 360°,次數不少于3000次的抗扭轉性能試驗,要求電纜試驗結束后導體不發(fā)生斷裂、
護套表面不產(chǎn)生裂紋。普通電纜不適合在低溫情況下扭轉。2, the anti bending properties and excellent performance of torsion: finished cable at 
low temperature of -40 DEG C, can withstand the positive and negative four to one, 
torsion angle is 360 degrees, the number of not less than 3000 times the anti torsion 
test, after the test requirements of cable conductor fracture does not occur, the sheath 
surface no cracks. General cable is not suitable for torsion at low temperature. 3、適用環(huán)境溫度-45℃~+110℃,運行溫度為-40℃~+110℃。普通電纜運行溫度為0℃~70℃。3, applicable environment temperature of -45 DEG C and C 110, operation temperature 
is -40 DEG C 110. The operating temperature of the ordinary cable is 0 DEG C to 70 
DEG C. 4、電纜的敷設溫度不低于-30℃,普通電纜的敷設溫度為不低于0℃;4, cable laying temperature of not less than -30 DEG C, ordinary cable laying
 temperature of not less than 0 degrees c; 5、電纜彎曲半徑:固定安裝不小于電纜外徑的 4倍,移動(dòng)安裝不小于電纜外徑的5倍。
普通電纜的彎曲半徑為電纜外徑的 20倍。5, cable bending radius: fixed installation is not less than 4 times the diameter 
of the cable, mobile installation is not less than the cable diameter of 5 times. 
The bending radius of the ordinary cable is 20 times of the outside diameter of the cable.

 如果你對FDZ-KEXFP FDZ-YEYH風(fēng)能電纜感興趣,想了解更詳細的產(chǎn)品信息,填寫(xiě)下表直接與廠(chǎng)家聯(lián)系:


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